Intervista a Nicola G. Coppola in arte Jaufenpass, artista casertano fautore di un'elettronica minimalista dalle sfumature jazz e acide. Jaufenpass, ovvero Nicola G. Coppola, musicista e artista di installazioni della zona...
Uno stile che oscilla tra ambient e glitch quello dell’artista casertano incentrato sulla ricerca di colore e profondità. Jaufenpass traduce la natura organica del suono e delle emozioni in espressioni...
"Cloud's Eye" by Jaufenpass emerges as an intriguing entry in the ambient music landscape, released on December 8, 2023, by Shimmering Moods Records. This album delicately balances between the contemplative...
Jaufenpass – Ricordo#2 From the organic ground to the upper planes and everything in between, Jaufenpass’ immersive “Ricordo#2” merges in slow, ethereal harmony all those contradicting, diverse, and constantly evolving...
The sounds of tender nostalgia on a canvas of subtle electroacoustic noise. This is the review of Jaufenpass debut album called "Cloud's Eye".
Italy-based producer, Jaufenpass, quietly crept onto the scene last December with his debut LP, Cloud’s Eye. With the physical release of Cloud’s Eye dropping just last week, it was one of those releases that...
Uno sguardo al cielo. Un viaggio sonoro in bilico tra semplice e complesso. Uno spaccato di realtà in cui la natura e la tecnologia riescono a coesistere insieme. Si potrebbe...
Over the last years, I can say I almost lost full interest in watching movies and television series.. I'm in the middle of a nihil admirari and no-time-for-that... fine, to...
There are quite a few words on Bandcamp about this release. Still, who or what Jaufenpass is, I don’t know (other than: “The Jaufen Pass (German: Jaufenpass, Italian: Passo di...
There are quite a few words on Bandcamp about this release. Still, who or what Jaufenpas is, I don’t know (other than: “The Jaufen Pass (German: Jaufenpass, Italian: Passo di...